Detailing the impact of the Storrega Tsunami at Montrose, Scotland
Ancient tsunami could have wiped out Scottish cities today: research maps the extent of the catastrophic Storegga tsunami 8,200 years ago for the first time. The Guardian, 4th June 2021
Scotland tsunami warning: Scientists warn entire towns could be destroyed – horror report. The Express. 4th June 2021
WAVE GOODBYE: Ancient tsunami that battered Britain with 100-FOOT waves could wipe out whole towns if it happened again. The Sun, 3rd June 2021
Ancient tsunami would ‘wipe out’ Scottish coastal town if it struck today. The Scotsman. 4th June 2021
The original Stonehenge? A dismantled stone circle in the Preseli Hills of west Wales
Stonehenge breakthrough shows where stone circle first stood for 400 years – in Wales. The Mirror, 12th February 2021
Was Stonehenge originally built in Wales? Archaeologists unearth remains of Britain’s third largest stone circle and claim it was ‘dismantled and MOVED to Wiltshire’. The Daily Mail, 12th February 2021
St Andrews academics unveil secrets of Stonehenge in new documentary. The Courier, 12th February 2021
Stonehenge stood for 400 years in Wales before being moved, team of archaeologists claim. Wales Online, 12th February 2021
Stonehenge mystery deepens as scientists find another connection to Wales. The Metro, 12th February 2021
Stonehenge may be dismantled Welsh stone circle. In the Loop, 12th February 2021
A massive, Late Neolithic pit structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge
How illuminating: Measuring luminescence helps to date a remarkable new discovery at Stonehenge. The Economist, 11th July 2020
Stonehenge: Neolithic monument found near sacred site. BBC News, 22nd June 2020
Archaeologists discover new prehistoric circle near Stonehenge. ITV News, 22nd June 2020
Archaeologists discover ‘astonishing’ huge circular neolithic monument next to Stonehenge. The Independent, 22nd June 2020
Scottish team finds major new prehistoric monument near Stonehenge. The National, 22nd June 2020
Hidden Henge: Neolithic stone circle dating back 4,500 years discovered just miles from Stonehenge. The Sun. 22nd June 2020