Conference Presentations


  • 1.
    Andrikou, E., Agapiou, A., Dakouri-Hild, A., Davis, S., Kinnaird, T.: The Kotroni Archaeological Survey Project (KASP) at Ancient Afidna in Northern Attica: Results of the First Season. In: Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), Washington DC, North America (2020).


  • 1.
    Gaffney, V., Allaby, R., Fitch, S., Ware, R., Cribdon, B., Gearey, B., Kearney, K., Hill, T., Everett, R., Bates, R., Bates, M., Smith, D., Kinnaird, T.: The identification and characterisation of the Storegga Slide Tsunami in the southern North Sea using a multiproxy approach. In: INQUA 2019, Dublin, Ireland (2019).
  • 1.
    Bateman, M., Kinnaird, T., Robinson, R., Bateman, R.: Understanding the depositional record of the Storegga Tsunami. In: INQUA 2019, Dublin, Ireland (2019).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., McGlashan, N., Bateman, R., R., A., Bates, M., Bates, R., Fitch, S., Geary, B., Hill, T., Murgatroyd, P., Smith, D., Ware, R., Gaffney, V.: OSL analysis of Late Pleistocene to Holocene terrestrial and marine deposits from cores recovered at Doggerbank, North Sea. In: UK Meeting Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating in Roskilde, Denmark (2019).
  • 1.
    Robertson, A., Parlak, O., Kinnaird, T., Tasli, K., Dumitrica, P.: Rifting/passive margin development of the Southern Neotethys: evidence from the Antalya Complex in the Alanya Window (Gazıpasa-Anamur area). In: IESCA 2019 (International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region), İzmir, Turkey (2019).
  • 1.
    Ware, R., Cribdon, B., Everett, R., Bates, M., Bates, R., Fitch, S., Geary, B., Hill, T., Kinnaird, T., Murgatroyd, P., Smith, D., Gaffney, V., Allaby, R.: Exploiting sedaDNA to trace the impact of the Storegga slide tsunami on the Doggerland paleolandscape. In: SMBE19, Manchester Central, UK (2019).
  • 1.
    Vervust, S., Kinnaird, T.: Tracing the long-term development of the Medieval rural landscape at the National Trust’s Wallington Estate. In: EAA Annual Meeting, Bern, Switzerland (2019).
  • 1.
    Cribdon, B., Ware, R., Everett, R., Bates, M., Bates, R., Fitch, S., Geary, B., Hill, T., Kinnaird, T., Murgatroyd, P., Smith, D., Gaffney, V., Allaby, R.: Metagenomic sedaDNA evidence for the Storegga Slide tsunami. In: SMBE19, Manchester Central, UK (2019).


  • 1.
    Dingle, E., Sinclair, H., Attal, M., Creed, M., Quick, L., Kinnaird, T.C.: Abrupt sediment grain size transitions drive rapid changes in Himalayan channel dynamics. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria (2018).
  • 1.
    Gardner, T., Tipping, R., Kinnaird, T.C., Finneran, A.: Colluvial deposits as proxy indicators of human activity: a case study from Northern England. In: 24th EAA Annual Meeting, Barcelona, Spain (2018).


  • 1.
    Sanderson, D., Cresswell, A., Kinnaird, T., MacKinnon, G., Donnelly, C., Olive, V., Ellam, R., Sakellariou, D., Bailey, G.: IRSL dating of fine-grained marine sediments from the Red Sea continental shelf near Farasan: dealing with signal stability, test-dose sensitisation and U mobility. In: 15th International conference on luminescence and electron spin resonance dating, Cape Town, South Africa (2017).
  • 1.
    Carter, J., Cresswell, A., Kinnaird, T., Carmichael, L., Murphy, S., Sanderson, D.: Is something wrong with my photomultiplier? Investigating excess variations in photon counting systems used for luminescence dating and detection of irradiated foods. In: 15th International conference on luminescence and electron spin resonance dating, Cape Town, South Africa (2017).
  • 1.
    Szulc, A., Bernard, T., Johnson, C., Carter, A., Gallagher, K., Kinnaird, T., Steer, P., Whitham, A.: The Thermal History of East Greenland – Insights From Regional Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Data. In: AAPG:SEG International conference & Exhibition, ExCeL, London (2017).
  • 1.
    Simpson, I., Kinnaird, T., Coningham, R., Davies, C.: Can we rebuild Kasthamandap? Ensuring outstanding universal value in post-disaster environments. In: Inaugural International Conference: Global Challenges in Cultural Heritage, University of Stirling, Stirling (2017).


  • 1.
    Robertson, A., Kinnaird, T., McCay, G., Palamakumbura, R., Chen, G.: Closure of S Neotethys in the E Mediterranean region, exemplified by the tectonic development of the Kyrenia active margin/collisional lineament, N Cyprus. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2016).
  • 1.
    Akintunde, B.O., Sanderson, D.C., Kinnaird, T.C., Cresswell, A.J., Carmichael, L.A., Martin, L.: Calibrating gamma dose rates for palaeodosimetric dating systems: Evaluating dose rate gradients. In: UK meeting on luminescence and ESR dating, University of Liverpool, Liverpool (2016).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C., Turner, S., Bolòs, J., Turner, A., Sanderson, D.C.: New methods for characterising historic landscapes: OSL profiling and dating of agricultural terraces and earthworks in the west and central Mediterranean. In: UK meeting on luminescence and ESR dating, University of Liverpool, Liverpool (2016).
  • 1.
    Pane, S.H., Sanderson, D.C., Kinnaird, T.C., Carmichael, L.A.: Investigating feldspar compositions and kinetic responses in TL onset methods for thermal history analysis. In: UK meeting on luminescence and ESR dating, University of Liverpool, Liverpool (2016).
  • 1.
    Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.: Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating as a geochronological tool for the dating of Late Quaternary sediments in the Red Sea region. In: . International Workshop on ’The Red Sea, its Origin, Structure and Environment’, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (2016).
  • 1.
    Palamakumbura, R., Robertson, A., Kinnaird, T., van Calsteren, P., Kroon, D., Tait, J.: Quantitative dating of Pleistocene terrace deposits of the Kyrenia Range, northern Cyprus: implications for timing, rates of uplift and driving mechanisms in an incipient collision zone. In: . European Geosciences Union General Assembly. p. 17th-22nd April (2016).


  • 1.
    Castillo, M., Muñoz-Salinas, E., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.C., Ferrari, L., Arce, J., Cruz-Zaragoza, E.: Using OSL for interpreting sediment transport processes: From mountain rivers of the Jalisco Block to alluvial deposits at the Usumacinta-Grijalva River Basin (Mexico). In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2015).
  • 1.
    Simpson, I., Coningham, R., Manuel, M., Davis, C., Strickland, K., Acharya, K., Hyland, K., Bull, I., Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.: Reconstructing sacred landscapes from soils-based research. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 (2015).
  • 1.
    Palamakumbura, R., Robertson, A., Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.: Post-IR IRSL dating of carbonate aeolianite deposits to constrain tectonic and sea-level controls on terrace formation processes in northern Cyprus. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2015).
  • 1.
    Palamakumbura, R., Robertson, A., Kroon, D., Kinnaird, T.C.: Plio-Pleistocene tectonic uplift the Kyrenia Range, northern Cyprus, in its regional Eastern Mediterranean setting. In: Tectonics Study Group Annual Meeting (2015).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D., Dawson, T.: Defining the chronostratigraphy of a prehistoric settlement mound: luminescence profiling and dating at Baile Sear. In: 21st Annual Meeting of the EAA (2015).
  • 1.
    Mooney, A., Marshall, E., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.C.: Re-appraising the heat flow of Scottish granites using TL onset temperature methods. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2015).
  • 1.
    Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.C., Leandri, F., Leandri, L., Casanova, M.: OSL dating of megalithic monuments at Capu di Lugu, Belvédère-Campomoro, SW Corsica. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2015).
  • 1.
    Sanderson, D., Murphy, S., Kinnaird, T.C., Tait, A.: Developments and applications of the SUERC portable OSL reader. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2015).
  • 1.
    Dodds, L., Carmichael, L., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.C., Hamiliton, K.: Investigating thermoluminescence and photostimulated luminescence as tools in food authentication. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2015).
  • 1.
    Hamilton, K., Carmichael, L., Sanderson, D., Meehan, E., Paling, S., Cresswell, A., Kinnaird, T.C., Dodds, L.: Investigating the use of low level gamma spectrometry in studies of food authenticity. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2015).
  • 1.
    Robertson, A., Kinnaird, T.C., McCay, G., Palamakumura, R., Taslı, K.: Synthesis of Late Cretaceous-Quaternary tectonic, sedimentary and magmatic processes and basin formation related to episodic subduction-collision in the easternmost Mediterranean region. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2015 (2015).


  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C., Robertson, A.: Structural development of the Central Kyrenia Range (north Cyprus) in its regional setting in the eastern Mediterranean. In: Final Symposium of the Darius Programme (2014).
  • 1.
    Johnson, C., Gallagher, K., Carter, A., Kinnaird, T.C., Whitham, A., Szulc, A.: Vertical profile AFT dating in East Greenland. In: 14th International conference on thermochronology (2014).
  • 1.
    Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T., Turner, C., Stephesn, W., Kukkonen, I., Spencer, J.: TL methods for geothermal resource evaluation: appraising onset temperature methods for recovering thermal histories. In: 14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2014).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D., Bigelow, G.: Feldspar SARA IRSL dating of very low dose rate aeolian sediments from Sandwick South, Unst, Shetland. In: 14th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2014).


  • 1.
    Munoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.C., Cruz-Zaragoza, E.: Assessing sedimentation rates at Usumacinta and Grijalva river basin (Southern Mexico) using OSL and suspended sediment load analysis: A study from the Maya Classic Period. In: AGU Fall Meeting (2013).
  • 1.
    Cresswell, A., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.C.: Gamma Dosimetry in Complex Sedimentary Sequences. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2013).
  • 1.
    Sanderson, D., Cresswell, A., Kinnaird, T., Meehan, E., Paling, S.: Low energy gamma spectroscopy applied to luminescence dating: evaluating dose rate measurements in surface and deep underground laboratories. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2013).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D., Cresswell, A., Dawson, T.: A high-resolution chronology for the construction and utilisation of a Hebridean wheelhouse at Sloc Sabhaidh, North Uist. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2013).
  • 1.
    Gilliland, K., Kinnaird, T.C., Gibson, T.: Perceiving the Palaeoindian Period: Using sediment luminescence characteristics to expand understandings about the timing and nature of human occupation of the early landscape in the northwestern Lake Superior Region, Canada. In: Developing International Geoarchaeology (DIG) (2013).
  • 1.
    Gibson, T., K., G., Kinnaird, T.: Characterizing floodplain aggradation along the North Saskatchewan river using portable optically-stimulated luminescence. In: 71st Annual Plains Anthropological Conference (2013).


  • 1.
    Palamakumbura, R., Kinnaird, T., Robertson, A., Sanderson, D.: Pleistocene to recent uplift of coastal terraces in Northern Cyprus constrained by OSL. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Meeting (2012).
  • 1.
    Munoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Cruz-Zaragoza, E., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.C.: Using OSL to Unravel Sedimentation Processes at Usumacinta and Grijalva Rivers (SE Mexico). In: AGU Fall Meeting (2012).
  • 1.
    Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T., Murphy, S., Ghilardi, M., Bicket, A.: Post Stimulation Phosphorescence (PSP) as a luminescence profiling indicator: application to the Villeneuve-lez Avignon sediment cores. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Meeting (2012).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Dixon, J., Peltenburg, E., Sanderson, D.: Geo-archaeological investigations at Sousikou-Laona (cyprus): placing the Chalcolithic settlement and cemeteries in a landscape context. In: 2nd Luminescence in Archaeology Science Symposium (2012).
  • 1.
    Ghilardi, M., Vella, M.-A., Diouf, O., Demory, F., Sabatier-Delanghe, D., Parisot, J.-C., Hermitte, D., Mathe, P.-E., Quensnel, Y., Fluery, J., Dussouillez, P., Provansal, M., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T., Bicket, A., Hartmann-Virnich, A., Delpey, Y., Berthelot, M.: Finding the lost arches of the Medieval Bridge of Avignon (Provence, South France): A geoarchaeological approach. In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2012).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D., Ghilardi, M., Bicket, A., Vella, M.-A., Diouf, O., CEREGE., co- workers at: Sous le Pont d’Avignon: OSL dating of sediments in the lower Rhone at Villeneuve les Avignon. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Meeting (2012).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D., Ghilardi, M., Bicket, A., Vella, M.-A., Diouf, O., CEREGE, co- workers at: Geo-archaeological investigations of the Pont d’Avignon (Saint Bénézet Bridge): chronological constraints on the fluvial dynamics of the Rhône from early Medieval times. In: 2nd Luminescence in Archaeology Science Symposium (2012).


  • 1.
    Hoey, T., Hodge, R., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.: Using optically stimulated luminescence to ‘illuminate’ sediment transport processes. In: European Earth Surface Process Group Meeting (2011).
  • 1.
    Robertson, A., McCay, G., Kinnaird, T., Taslı, K., Raffi, I., Kroon, D., Ellam, R., Morris, A., Anderson, M., Necdet, M.: Tectonic development of Southern Neotethys in the E Mediterranean: Constraints from the Kyrenia Range (North of Cyprus). In: European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2011).
  • 1.
    Hewawasam, T., Bishop, P., Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D.: OSL Dating of Gem-Bearing Alluvial Sections of Sri Lanka. In: 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2011).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D., Bishop, P., Downie, B., Simpson, I.: Using deep-trap luminescence signals to overcome thermal stability limits in dating tropical environments: case studies from Tanzania and Sri Lanka. In: 13th International Conference on Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating (2011).


  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Robertson, A.: Alternative tectonic models for the late Cenozoic evolution of Cyprus: New evidence from the southern part of Cyprus. In: Tectonics Studies Group Annual Meeting (2007).


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    Kinnaird, T., Robertson, A.: An integrated sedimentological and magnetostratigraphic study of the Pissouri Basin: constraints on the uplift history of Cyprus?. In: British Sedimentological Research Group Annual Meeting (2006).


  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D., Burbidge, C., Robertson, A., Panayides, I., Tsiolakis, E., Zomeni, Z.: Optically stimulated luminescence: A means of dating neotectonism in southern Cyprus?. In: UK Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating Meeting (2006).


  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Prave, A., Oliver, G., Parrish, R., Horstwood, M.: A revised model for the late Meosproterozoic – early Neoproterozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of Scotland: The Torridonian revisited. In: British Sedimentological Research Group Meeting (2005).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Robertson, A., Panayides, I.: Later Tertiary tectonic and sedimentary response to subduction and diachronous continental collision in southern Cyprus. In: International Symposium on the Geodynamics of Eastern Mediterranean: Active Tectonics of the Aegean (2005).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Robertson, A.: Alternative models for the late Cenozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of Cyprus: New evidence from southern Cyprus. In: Inaugural International Meeting of IGCP 518: Fluvial sequences as evidence for landscape and climatic evolution in the Late Cenozoic (2005).