

  • 1.
    Srivastava, A., Kinnaird, T., Sevara, C., Holcomb, J.A., Turner, S.: Dating Agricultural Terraces in the Mediterranean Using Luminescence: Recent Progress and Challenges. Land. 12, 716 (2023).
  • 1.
    Brandolini, F., Kinnaird, T.C., Srivastava, A., Turner, S.: Modelling the impact of historic landscape change on soil erosion and degradation. Scientific Reports. 13, (2023).
  • 1.
    Tipping, R., Kinnaird, T.C., Dingwall, K., Ross, I.: Some geomorphological implications of recent archaeological investigations on river terraces of the River Dee, Aberdeenshire. Scottish Journal of Geology. 59, (2023).
  • 1.
    Holcomb, J.A., Srivastava, A., Kinnaird, T.C., Blong, J.C.: Revisiting Kelly Forks (10CW34): Current and Future Research at a Western Stemmed Tradition Occupation in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, {USA}. PaleoAmerica. 9, 76–80 (2023).


  • 1.
    Holdridge, G., Simpson, I., Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R., Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D., Kristiansen, S.M.: Urban gardens in Antiquity: The case of Gerasa/Jerash in Jordan. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 46, 103633 (2022).
  • 1.
    Silva-S{{á}}nchez, N., Tim, K., Fern{{á}}ndez-Ferreiro, M., L{{ó}}pez-Salas, E., Turner, S., S{{á}}nchez-Pardo, J.-C.: Written in soil and paper. Investigating environmental transformations of a monastic landscape by combining geoarchaeology and palynology with historical analysis at Samos (Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 45, 103575 (2022).
  • 1.
    Boyd, S.L., Kinnaird, T.C., Srivastava, A., Whittaker, J.E., Bates, C.R.: Investigation of coastal environmental change at Ruddons Point, Fife, {SE} Scotland. Scottish Journal of Geology. 58, (2022).
  • 1.
    Ghilardi, M., Kinnaird, T., Kouli, K., Bicket, A., Crest, Y., Demory, F., Delanghe, D., Fachard, S., Sanderson, D.: Reconstructing the Fluvial History of the Lilas River (Euboea Island, Central West Aegean Sea) from the Mycenaean Times to the Ottoman Period. Geosciences. 12, 204 (2022).
  • 1.
    Hamilton, D., Kinnaird, T.: Building chronologies for Europe’s Lost Frontiers: Radiocarbon dating and age-depth modelling. Europe’s Lost Frontiers: Volume 1: Context and Methodology. (2022).
  • 1.
    Wickham-Jones, C., Noble, G., Bates, C., Cameron, A., Clarke, A., Collinson, D., Duthie, S., Kinnaird, T., Ross, I., Sabnis, H., Tipping, R.: Prehistoric Communities of the River Dee: Mesolithic and other lithic scatter sites of central Deeside, Aberdeenshire. Scottish Archaeological Internal Reports. 97, 1–196 (2022).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Bates, M., Bateman, R., Srivastava, A.: Constructing Sediment Chronologies for Doggerland. Europe’s Lost Frontiers: Volume 1: Context and Methodology, (2022).
  • 1.
    Parker Pearson, M., Pollard, J., Richards, C., Welham, K., Kinnaird, T., Srivastava, A., Casswell, C., Shaw, D., Simmons, E., Stanford, A., Bevins, R., Ixer, R., Ruggles, C., Rylatt, J., Edinborough, K.: How Waun Mawn stone circle was designed and built, and when the Bluestones arrived at Stonehenge: a response to Darvill. Antiquity. 96, 1530–1537 (2022). 10.15184/aqy.2022.132.
  • 1.
    Tipping, R., Bates, C., Cameron, A., Clarke, A., Duthie, S., Ewan, L., Kinnaird, T., Mann, B., Noble, G., Ross, I., Sabnis, H., Wickham-Jones, C.: Environmental reconstruction and formation processes in a large Mesolithic lithic scatter at Nethermills of Crathes, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 45, (2022).


  • 1.
    Turner, S., Kinnaird, T., Varinlioğlu, G., Şerifoğlu, T.E., Koparal, E., Demirciler, V., Athanasoulis, D., Ødegård, K., Crow, J., Jackson, M., Bolòs, J., Sánchez-Pardo, J.C., Carrer, F., Sanderson, D., Turner, A.: Agricultural terraces in the Mediterranean: medieval intensification revealed by OSL profiling and dating. Antiquity. 1–18 (2021). 10.15184/aqy.2020.187.
  • 1.
    Pearson, M.P., Pollard, J., Richards, C., Welham, K., Kinnaird, T.C., Shaw, D., Simmons, E., Stanford, A., Bevins, R., Ixer, R., Ruggles, C., Rylatt, J., Edinborough, K.: The original Stonehenge? A dismantled stone circle in the Preseli Hills of west Wales. Antiquity. 95, 85–103 (2021).
  • 1.
    Holdridge, G., Kristiansen, S.M., Barfod, G.H., Kinnaird, T.C., Lichtenberger, A., Olsen, J., Philippsen, B., Raja, R., Simpson, I.: A Roman provincial city and its contamination legacy from artisanal and daily-life activities. PLOS ONE. 16, 1–10 (2021).
  • 1.
    Bateman, M.D., Kinnaird, T.C., Hill, J., Ashurst, R.A., Mohan, J., Bateman, R.B.I., Robinson, R.: Detailing the impact of the Storegga Tsunami at Montrose, Scotland. Boreas. 50, 1059–1078 (2021).
  • 1.
    Brughmans, T., Kinnaird, T., Kristiansen, S.M., Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R., Romanowska, I., Seland, E.H., Simpson, I., Stott, D.: Urbanization and Riverine Hinterlands: A Proposal for an Integrative High-Definition and Multi-Scalar Approach to Understanding Ancient Cities and their Dynamic Natural Resources. Journal of Urban Archaeology. 4, 33–59 (2021).


  • 1.
    Bello, S.M., Blinkhorn, E., Needham, A., Bates, M., Duffy, S., Little, A., Pope, M., Scott, B., Shaw, A., Welch, M.D., Kinnaird, T., Millar, L., Robinson, R., Conneller, C.: Artists on the edge of the world: an integrated approach to the study of Magdalenian engraved stone plaquettes from Jersey (Channel Islands). PLOS one. 15, 40 (2020).
  • 1.
    Turner, S., Kinnaird, T., Koparal, E., Lekakis, S., Sevara, C.: Landscape archaeology, sustainability and the necessity of change. World Archaeology. 52, 589–606 (2020).
  • 1.
    Vervust, S., Kinnaird, T., Herring, P., Turner, S.: Optically stimulated luminescence profiling and dating of earthworks: the creation and development of prehistoric field boundaries at Bosigran, Cornwall. Antiquity. 94, 420–436 (2020).
  • 1.
    Robertson, A.H., Parlak, O., Kinnaird, T.C., Taslı, K., Dumitrica, P.: Cambrian-Eocene pre-rift, pulsed rift, passive margin and emplacement processes along the northern margin of the Southern Neotethys: evidence from the Antalya Complex in the Alanya Window (S Turkey). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 3, (2020).
  • 1.
    Dingle, E., Sinclair, H., Venditti, J., Attal, M., Kinnaird, T., Creed, M., Quick, L., Nittrouer, J., Gautam, D.: Sediment dynamics across gravel-sand transitions: Implications for river stability and floodplain recycling. Geology. 48, 468–472 (2020).
  • 1.
    Gaffney, V., Baldwin, E., Bates, M., Bates, C., Gaffney, C., Hamilton, D., Kinnaird, T., Neubauer, W., Yorston, R., Allaby, R., Chapman, H., Garwood, P., Löcker, K., Hinterleitner, A., Sparrow, T., Trinks, I., Wallner, M., Leivers, M.: A massive, Late Neolithic pit structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge. Internet Archaeology. 55, (2020).
  • 1.
    Gaffney, V., Fitch, S., Bates, M., Ware, R., Kinnaird, T., Gearey, B., Hill, T., Telford, R., Batt, C., Stern, B., Whittaker, J., Davies, S., Ben Sharada, M., Everett, R., Cribdon, R., Kistler, L., Harris, S., Kearney, K., Walker, J., Muru, M., Hamilton, D., Law, M., Finlay, A., Bates, C., Allaby, R.: Multi-proxy characterisation of the Storegga Tsunami and its impact on the early Holocene landscapes of the southern North Sea. Geosciences. 10, 270–289 (2020).
  • 1.
    Munyikwa, K., Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D.: The potential of portable luminescence readers in geomorphological investigations: a review. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. (2020).
  • 1.
    Vervust, S., Kinnaird, T., Dabaut, N., Turner, S.: The development of historic field systems in northern England: a case study at Wallington, Northumberland. Landscape History. (2020).


  • 1.
    Dixon, J., Kinnaird, T.: Quaternary landscape evolution in the vicinity of Souskiou (Cyprus). In: Peltenburg, E., Bolgar, D., and Crewe, L. (eds.) Figurine Makers of Prehistoric Cyprus: settlement and cemeteries at Souskiou. Oxbow Books (2019).
  • 1.
    Lichtenberger, A., Raja, R., Heldaas Seland, E., Kinnaird, T., Simpson, I.: Urban-Riverine Hinterland Synergies in Semi- Arid Environments: Millennial-Scale Change, Adaptations, and Environmental Responses at Gerasa/Jerash. Journal of Field Archaeology. (2019).
  • 1.
    Sanderson, D.C., Kinnaird, T.C.: Optically Stimulated Luminescence dating as a geochronological tool for Late Quaternary sediments in the Red Sea region. In: Rasul, N.M. and Stewart, I.C. (eds.) Geological Setting, Palaeoenvironment and Archaeology of the Red Sea (2019).
  • 1.
    Coningham, R., Acharya, K., Barclay, C., Barclay, R., Davis, C., Graham, C., Hughes, P., Joshi, A., Kelly, L., Khanal, S., Kilic, A., Kinnaird, T., Kunwar, R., Kumar, A., Maskey, P., Lafortune-Bernard, A., Lewer, N., McCaughie, D., Mirnig, N., Roberts, A., Sarhosis, V., Schmidt, A., Simpson, I., Sparrow, T., Toll, D., Tully, B., Weise, K., Wilkinson, S., Wilson, A.: Reducing Disaster Risk to Life and Livelihoods by Evaluating the Seismic Safety of Kathmandu’s Historic Urban Infrastructure: enabling an interdisciplinary pilot. Journal of the British Academy. (2019).
  • 1.
    Munyikwa, K., Lindemann, R., Wondrasek, R., Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D.: Temporal constraints for Holocene geomorphic evolution at an archeological site near Hardisty, east-central Alberta: hunter gatherer interactions with the landscape on the northern Plains. Canadian Journal of Archaeology. 43, (2019).
  • 1.
    Preston, J., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T., Newton, A., Nitter, M., Coolen, J., Mehler, N., Dugmore, A.: Dynamic beach response to changing storminess of Unst, Shetland: implications for landing places exploited by Norse communities. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. 1–26 (2019).
  • 1.
    Garcia, V.H., Hongn, F., Yagupsky, D., Pingel, H., Kinnaird, T., Winocur, D., Cristallini, E., Robinson, R.A., Strecker, M.R.: Late Quaternary tectonics controlled by fault reactivation. Insights from a local transpressional system in the intermontane Lerma valley, Cordillera Oriental, {NW} Argentina. Journal of Structural Geology. 128, 103875 (2019).


  • 1.
    Carter, J., Cresswell, A., Kinnaird, T., Carmichael, L., Murphy, S., Sanderson, D.: Non-Poisson variations in photomultipliers and implications for luminescence dating. Radiation Measurements. (2018).
  • 1.
    French, C., Taylor, S., McLaughlin, R., Cresswell, A., Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D., Stoddart, S., Malone, C.: A Neolithic palaeo-catena for the Xagħra Upper Coralline Limestone plateau of Gozo, Malta, and its implications for past soil development and land use. Catena. 171, 337–358 (2018).
  • 1.
    Turner, S., Bolòs, J., Kinnaird, T.: Canvis i continuïtats en un paisatge mediterrani: una nova aproximació interdisciplinària al coneixement del caràcter del paisatge històric a la Catalunya occidental. Territori i Societat: el paisatge històric. 8, 23–64 (2018).


  • 1.
    Mu{\~{n}}oz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.: Geochronology and landscape evolution of the strand-plain of the Usumacinta and Grijalva rivers, southern Mexico. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 79, 394–400 (2017).
  • 1.
    Turner, S., Bolòs, J., Kinnaird, T.: Changes and continuities in a Mediterranean landscape: a new interdisciplinary approach to understanding historic character in western Catalonia. Landscape Research. 1–17 (2017).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Dawson, T., Sanderson, D., Hamilton, D., Cresswell, A., Rennell, R.: Chronostratigraphy of an Eroding Complex Atlantic Round House, Baile Sear, Scotland. The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology. 1–15 (2017).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Bolòs, J., Turner, A., Turner, S.: Optically-stimulated luminescence profiling and dating of historic agricultural terraces in Catalonia (Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science. 78, 66–77 (2017).


  • 1.
    Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T., Cruz-Zaragoza, E.: Using three different approaches of OSL for the study of young fluvial sediments at the coastal plain of the Usumacinta–Grijalva River Basin, Southern Mexico. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 41, 823–834 (2016).
  • 1.
    R., P., Robertson, A., Kinnaird, T., van Calsteren, P., Kroon, D., Tait, J.: Quantitative dating of Pleistocene deposits of the Kyrenia Range, northern Cyprus - implications for timings, rates of uplift and driving mechanisms. Journal of the Geological Society, London. (2016).


  • 1.
    Robertson, A., Kinnaird, T.: Structural development of the central Kyrenia Range (north Cyprus) in its regional setting in the eastern Mediterranean region. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 1–21 (2015).
  • 1.
    Palamakumbura, R., Robertson, A., Kinnaird, T., Sanderson, D.: Sedimentary development and correlation of Late Quaternary terraces in the Kyrenia Range, northern Cyprus, using a combination of sedimentology and optical luminescence data. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 1–24 (2015).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.C., Bigelow, G.F.: Feldspar SARA IRSL dating of very low dose rate aeolian sediments from Sandwick South, Unst, Shetland. Quaternary Geochronology. - (2015).
  • 1.
    Ghilardi, M., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T., Bicket, A., Balossino, S., Parisot, J.-C., Hermitte, D., Guibal, F., Fleury, J.T.: Dating the bridge at Avignon (south France) and reconstructing the Rhone River fluvial palaeo-landscape in Provence from medieval to modern times. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 4, 336–354 (2015).


  • 1.
    Muñoz-Salinas, E., Bishop, P., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.: Using OSL to assess hypotheses related to the impacts of land use change with the early nineteenth century arrival of Europeans in south-eastern Australia: an exploratory case study from Grabben Gullen Creek, New South Wales. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 39, 1576–1586 (2014).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C., Dixon, J., Robertson, A., Peltenburg, E., Sanderson, D.: Insights on topography development in the Vasilikós and Dhiarizos valleys, Cyprus, from integrated OSL and landscape studies. Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry. 13, 49–62 (2014).


  • 1.
    Muñoz-Salinas, E., Castillo, M., Sanderson, D., Kinnaird, T.: Unraveling paraglacial activity on Sierra de Gredos, Central Spain: A study based on geomorphic markers, stratigraphy and OSL. CATENA. 110, 207–214 (2013).
  • 1.
    Dixon, J.E., Kinnaird, T.C.: The geology of Kavos and Dhaskalio. In: Renfrew, C., Philaniotou, O., Brodie, N., Gavalas, G., and Boyd, M.J. (eds.) The settlement at Dhaskalio. The sanctuary on Keros and the origins of Aegean ritual practice: the excavations of 2006–2008. pp. 25–44. , McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research (2013).
  • 1.
    Dixon, J.E., Kinnaird, T.C.: Sea-level Change and the Early Bronze Age Topography. In: Renfrew, C., Philaniotou, O., Brodie, N., Gavalas, G., and Boyd, M.J. (eds.) The settlement at Dhaskalio. The sanctuary on Keros and the origins of Aegean ritual practice: the excavations of 2006–2008. pp. 25–44. , McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research (2013).
  • 1.
    Coningham, R., Acharya, K., Strickland, K., Davis, C., Manuel, M., Simpson, I., Gilliland, K., Tremblay, J., Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.: The earliest Buddhist shrine: excavating the birthplace of the Buddha, Lumbini (Nepal). Antiquity. 87, 1104–1123 (2013).


  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Robertson, A.: Tectonic and sedimentary response to subduction and incipient continental collision in southern Cyprus, easternmost Mediterranean region. Geological Society, London, Special Publications. 372, 585–614 (2012).
  • 1.
    Agate, A., Duggan, M., Roskams, S., Turner, S., Campbell, E., Hall, A., Kinnaird, T., Luke, Y., McIntosh, F., Neal, C., Young, R.: Early Medieval Settlement at Mothecombe, Devon: The Interaction of Local, Regional and Long-Distance Dynamics. Archaeological Journal. 169, 343–394 (2012).


  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.C.W., Woodward, N.L.: Applying luminescence methods to geoarchaeology: a case study from Stronsay, Orkney. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. 102, 191–200 (2011).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C., Robertson, A.H.F., Morris, A.: Timing of uplift of the Troodos Massif (Cyprus) constrained by sedimentary and magnetic polarity evidence. Journal of the Geological Society. 168, 457–470 (2011).


  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T., Prave, A., Kirkland, C., Horstwood, M., Parrish, R., Batchelor, R.: The late Mesoproterozoic-early Neoproterozoic tectonostratigraphic evolution of {NW} Scotland: the Torridonian revisited. Journal of the Geological Society. 164, 541–551 (2007).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C.: Symposium on ‘Fluvial sequences as evidence for landscape and climatic evolution in the Late Cenozoic’ - IGCP 518, Şanlıųrfa, Turkey. Quaternary Newsletter. 111, 54–59 (2007).
  • 1.
    Kinnaird, T.C., Sanderson, D.C.W., Burbidge, C., Peltenburg, E.: OSL dating of Neolithic Kissonerga-Mylouthkia, Cyprus. Neolithics. 2/07, 51–57 (2007).